The only good thing about this weather is the adorable clothing that comes along with it. I don't know a single person who doesn't love fall fashion. It's all about comfy, cozy sweaters, tall boots, and scarves. Seriously, who doesn't love scarves?! Anyways, I came across this photo of Amber Fillerup from Barefoot Blonde and just had to share it with you! Of course, I did my own interpretation of it as well, for a cheaper alternative!
Isn't she gorgeous?! I'm totally jealous of that hair. And the hat. Here's my take on the super easy-to-wear outfit, although if you're in a cold weather climate like me, you'll definitely need a jacket!
All the details for this outfit can be found on my Polyvore page!
It is now time for bed. At 8:45. I have been working my buns off (well, "toning" my buns off is more like it), and did an hour long Body Pump class tonight while fighting a cold, so I think it's time for me to hit the hay and refuel. We've got a busy week ahead!

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