Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Guest Post by Ashley of Thrifty Little Pretties!

Hello lovely readers of Carlea Jane! I’m baaaaack! I know I promised the first Thursday of every month but…well…ok I have no good excuse. Life has been busy busy – that’s for sure! I hope you all caught my last guest post. If not I’ll hold on while you go back and check it out…………………………..

Ok – welcome back! This week we are going to discuss some Target secrets.

Secret #1 : Their Markdown Schedule

Monday – Electronics, Kid’s clothing and stationary (Cards, Gift Wrap, Etc.)

Tuesday – Domestics, Women’s clothing, Pets and Market (food items)

Wednesday – Men’s clothing, Toys (also Thursday), Health and Beauty and Lawn and Garden items

Thursday – Housewares, Lingerie, Shoes, Toys, Sporting Goods, Movies, Music, Books and Décor and Luggage

Friday – Auto, Cosmetics, Hardware and Jewelry

 Always know their markdown schedule when making your daily trip to Target. Personally I don’t even bother looking at most of their full priced items. I know they’ll go on clearance and I’ll lust after them then. Why pay full price when 70% off is just around the corner!? If an item that I’ve been absolutely dying for is popular I might nab it up when it hits 50% off because chances of them still having my size left when it hits the 70% off rack are pretty slim. I almost never buy 30% off items because that’s hardly a discount in my book and I know the item will get cheaper soon.

 Secret #2 : How low will it go?
Regular stock items typically only reach a 70% off discount. Online only items are like gold in the clearance section, often reaching prices as low as $2.46 for a clothing item! Yes – you did read that correctly. Under $3!! Holiday items are a different story, though, and these items typically reach 90% off. That’s practically free!! Although sometimes it is hard to wait, stocking up on holiday décor after the holiday is a smart decision & your bank account will thank you. It’s also smart to stock up on gifts for people throughout the year as things they may like go on sale. That also means less work for you come Christmas time!

 Also, when shopping Target don’t rule out that dollar section near the entrance. I always find great trendy office items such as post its, white boards, pens, etc. They also have seasonal items in that section such as trendy and/or themed BBQ accessories. And of course you’ll also find fun kids toys and misc. items as well.

 Next time you’re at your local Target don’t forget to scour those clearance racks!

Check back the first Thursday of July for my next post and stop by my blog, Thrifty Little Pretties, to stay current in the meantime!

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